The members of Xi Alpha Mu chapter, Terre Haute, are proud to nominate Debbie Mahan for the office of State President for 2024 – 2025. Debbie is currently the State Vice President and looks forward to continuing her contribution on the State Board.
As a 14-year member, Debbie has reached the Preceptor Degree. She has held every office at the chapter level and served on various chapter and state committees. She served as Ways & Means chairman for State Council Day when our chapter hosted. She is Co-chairman of the 2024 State Convention. Always generous with her time, and her selflessness is evident of the unflattering dedication to our Sisterhood. As our Chapter Advisor, she has helped our President with all aspects of our chapters fundraising which subsidize our Chapter’s charity priorities. She worked to organize the collection of caps for a memorial bench for a recently deceased sister’s daughter. She helped organize food for a chapter sister in need this year after a terrible accident that left her unable to walk for weeks. It’s no surprise she has been celebrated as our Chapter Woman of the Year for 2018 & 2023 and City Council Woman of the Year for 2018. If you attend a state function, you will see Debbie there. People respond positively to her leadership style, appreciate her dedication to service, attention to detail, and always willing to roll up her sleeves to lend a helping hand at any time. She always has fresh ideas and works well with others. Our chapter feels that Debbie will continue to do an excellent job as a member of the State Board and would serve us all well as State President. |